
We love wood and we love our children, so we only source and supply timber from ecologically responsible sources. Much of our timber is salvaged from council clearing, storm damage, farms, backyards and even Grandad's shed, utilizing wood that would otherwise go to waste. Many of our slabs are hundreds of years old, the like of which we are unlikely to find again. Each piece is unique and tells the story of its life as a tree. Our collection is expansive, ranging from apple to wattle with an enormous number of species in between, including substantial stocks of local favourite, Camphor Laurel. We also stock a wide variety of turning blanks for the home woodworker, and offer a complete range of products to help care for your timber.

Environmental benefits of timber furniture

(from www.australianfurniture.org.au and www.makeitwood.org)

"Responsibly sourced wood is a renewable, beautiful building material, which helps tackle climate change The production and processing of wood uses much less energy than most other building materials, giving wood products a significantly lower carbon footprint. Wood can be used to substitute for materials that require larger amounts of fossil fuels to be produced. In addition, wood products store the carbon that the growing trees have removed from the air."

"When buying furniture made in other countries, it is almost impossible to ascertain if the timber has been produced in an environmentally responsible way, which is just one reason why it is so important to support Australian made furniture."